• Free shipping for orders over €30

  • Quality comes first

  • Developed under the highest medical standards

  • Responsible use of natural resources

Quality out of conviction

Producing the purest products possible starts with properly sourcing ingredients and ensuring a high standard of quality testing.

See for yourself. Our bestsellers:

Our product guide

So that you can find exactly the right product with which we can support you, we have put together a selection here so that you can tackle the problem directly at the root.

About Nutramedix Germany

Quality comes first

Nutramedix products are herbal extracts with very high bioavailability and a broad spectrum of active ingredients. Of course, the same quality standards also apply to all encapsulated products, which were developed to increase the effectiveness of the liquid extracts.

Frau präsentiert Endprodukt

Our capsules

It's not just our extracts that have high bioavailability and can provide support in a wide variety of areas. Our capsules also impress with their high quality.

See for yourself:

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  • Will Cole

    "We chose the Cowden Support Program... because it delivers consistent results while being the safest and most affordable protocol we have ever been able to offer."

  • Dr. Andri Panayiotou

    "NutraMedix is ​​the primary form of nutritional supplement that I have used in my practice for over 20 years. I recommend NutraMedix to everyone for a better, healthier life."

  • Dr. Rhett Bergeron

    "Our clinic finds NutraMedix products to be extremely helpful in supporting and strengthening the immune system."

  • Dr. med. Frank Riedel

    "I have been working with NutraMedix products for 20 years. I am impressed by the quality of the plant extracts as well as their effectiveness and tolerability."

  • Alexis Chesney

    “I have used Burbur-Pinella on more than 1,000 patients because patients consistently report positive effects when taking Burbur-Pinella.”

  • Dr. W. Lee Cowden

    "I have had the privilege of working as a consultant for NutraMedix for more than 20 years and I appreciate how great the quality and effectiveness of NutraMedix products are."

  • Dr. Richard Horowitz

    “I have been searching for a long time for natural remedies that are safe and effective and I am very happy with the results I am achieving with the NutraMedix Cowden protocol.”

  • Jason Porter

    "We chose the Cowden Support Program... because it delivers consistent results while being the safest and most affordable protocol we have ever been able to offer."

  • Dr. Rebecca Risk

    “NutraMedix is ​​a very ethical company with high quality products. I have tried other herbs and find the Cowden Protocol to be the most effective for my patients.”

This is what our happy customers say:

Knowledge Blog

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  • Metabolisches Syndrom – Wie Stevia und Samento Ihre Stoffwechselgesundheit unterstützen können

    Metabolic Syndrome – How Stevia and Samento can support your metabolic health

  • Die Geschichte der "Katzenkralle"

    The story of the "cat's claw"

  • Wie man seinen Stoffwechsel für ein erfülltes Leben unterstützt

    How to support your metabolism for a fulfilling life

  • Unterstützung für die Seele durch Atmung, Schlaf und gesunde Ernährung

    Support for the soul through breathing, sleep and healthy nutrition

  • Die Kraft von Kurkuma und Curcumin für Körper und Seele

    The power of turmeric and curcumin for body and soul

  • Sie können nicht schlafen? - Ursachen gelegentlicher Schlaflosigkeit

    Can't sleep? - Causes of occasional insomnia

  • Baldrian - Geschichte und gesundheitlicher Nutzen

    Valerian - History and Health Benefits

  • Stevia - Geschichte und gesundheitlicher Nutzen

    Stevia - history and health benefits

  • Pärchen spaziert am Strand

    Trace elements - An often overlooked detail for health and well-being

  • zink Kapseln

    The role of zinc in health and well-being

  • Detox bild

    Detoxification - Who needs it?

  • Kurkuma und Kurkumapulver

    Is your body maintaining a healthy inflammatory response?